
Irrigation requirements will be dependent upon project location and plant selection. For Extensive GreenGrid systems planted with a mix of highly drought-resistant ground covers, an irrigation system is generally not needed (exceptions do apply to some arid climates). However, GreenGrid strongly recommends a backup system to irrigate the vegetative green roof during prolonged droughts or during hot dry windy weather patterns. Simple overhead spray system with spray heads, or spigot/hose/sprinkler systems are inexpensive and effective methods. These also provide the means to optimize the evaporative cooling effect of the GreenGrid Green Vegetative Roof System during such weather events.

Irrigation System Design and Components
GreenGrid modules have been designed to integrate and accommodate multiple irrigation scenarios and system components within the modular field and with no exposed irrigation lines, just water emitters, for a truly functional system with minimal aesthetic detractors.
Irrigation requirements will be dependent upon project location and plant selection. For Extensive GreenGrid systems planted with a mix of highly drought-resistant ground covers, an irrigation system is generally not needed (exceptions do apply to some arid climates). However, GreenGrid strongly recommends a backup system to irrigate the vegetative green roof during prolonged droughts or during hot dry windy weather patterns.

Simple overhead spray system with spray heads, or spigot/hose/sprinkler systems are inexpensive and effective methods. These also provide the means to optimize the evaporative cooling effect of the GreenGrid vegetative green roof system during such weather events. Low-flow drip irrigation systems are also available.